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What do we mean by


Land or assets with an existing use or uses that are not delivering maximum value.


Here, our focus is on improving site  performance, with the
aim of optimising uses to
deliver a greater return or increased impact.


tell me the difference?

Many people ask us what we mean by 'under-utilised' and 'under-performing' assets.


Here's how they are different and how that affects our approach.


What do we mean by 


Land or assets without an existing use that are partially or fully vacant.


Here, our focus is on understanding site potential, with the aim of identifying uses and new opportunities that align with client objectives.


we are on a mission

To put under-utilised and under-performing land and assets to good use.

Place Activation, Placemaking, Place Transition, Activation Strategy, Asset Optimisation, Place Strategy, Property Consulting, Asset Revitalisation, Sustainability Impact | 

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our approach to optimisation

When looking to optimise portfolios , we look beyond the sites themselves at the big picture to identify ways to improve overall portfolio value in a way that aligns with our client's own values and strategic objectives.


For example, we worked with Crown Lands NSW to review their portfolio and identify opportunities to increase tree canopy and improve access to open space through the optimisation of available land.


When looking to optimise individual properties , we look within the site itself, investigating the current experience and how  it is being used by people on a daily basis. This helps us to then identify ways to improve performance in line with our client's own values and strategic objectives.


For example, we are working with Griffith University to review their campus and identify opportunities to diversify uses and transform the site into a vibrant neighbourhood.

our methodology

No project is ever the same, but our methodology remains true. These are the steps we take with clients to help take their site or portfolio from where it is, to where they vision it to be.

our toolkit

our results

✔ Improve site commercial value.

✔ Fast-track planning and onboard stakeholders.

✔ Enhance sense of place, belonging and pride.

✔ Increase activation and safety within and around the site.

✔ Reduce land maintenance costs and tax liabilities.

✔ Improve community / customer perceptions and minimise disruption.

✔ Increase tree canopy and reduce heat island vulnerabilities.

✔ Improve walkability and access to quality open green space.

✔ Uplift local neighbourhoods and improve surrounding property prices.

✔ Enhance neighbourhood amenity and support local economies.

✔ Bring environmental, social and economic policy to life.

National park
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